3/1/19 Internship Update

Last Friday I had met with Tom Black. He is a handy man that focuses on industrial fixes. Tom had shown me images of projects that he had done in the past. I was blown away at how he can take something that is broken and fix it.

We had sat down and discussed what he was looking for in a website due to not having one currently. I had found that he had tried making one on his own in the past, but had issues with it. He had told me that he is gaining business right now through sub contacting with other business and through word of mouth. Tom had told me that he isn’t earning his full potential on projects due to the sub contractor taking a cut. I had found that he is looking to have a website that he can have his services listed on the website and show the past work that he has done. He had agreed that having a contact form for the website is essential and that SEO is important to him. I had sent him some themes that would work well for his website and he is currently reviewing them.

On Sunday I had a meeting with Jon about the Esquire Estates website. They had some minor suggestions on the content structure of the website. Jon had also sent me a document that had updated content for the website. I had spent the week updating content and implementing the changes they had requested. Some of the changes to the site required me to make changes to the template. With receiving new files and documents I had to make sure the file naming was proper. I had gone through all of the files for the site and made sure the naming of the files would work well for SEO. I am working on setting up a meeting with Jon to give him the site files, help him upload the site to his server and train him on how to update content in WordPress. Jon had asked if I would be able to help him in the future with updates to his website due to enjoying working with me. I had made sure to tell him that I can always help him out with the website.

1 thought on “3/1/19 Internship Update”

  1. I’ve had to train people to keep updating their sites on WordPress when I’m done with their project, too.

    Besides the wealth of videos already on YouTube, I took screenshots with the snipping tool, then pasted them into a Word document with detailed directions. It got the job done.

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